After ratifying the Convention on Biological Diversity, Mauritania was considered a member of the Convention in 1996.
As a full member of the Convention, Mauritania has several obligations:
- Annual contribution for the proper functioning of the Convention secretariat.
- Regular production of national reports, thematic reports, a national biodiversity strategy and action plan, and other reports.
- Adaptation of legislation so as to define an adequate legal basis for the conservation and use of biodiversity.
- Assurance that all those affected will be involved in the process.
This part of the Mauritania clearing-house mechanism is intended to provide an overview of the organization at the national level prior to useful biological conservation legislation, and the elaboration of national documents informing Mauritania's efforts for the conservation and protection of biodiversity in his country. A section on biodiversity conservation projects is in preparation and will be released later.
Authorities involved:
- Ministries
- Directorates
- Management Committee
- Ratification
- Legislation
- National
reports - Thematic reports
- Other documents
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan | |
National Reports | |
Competent authorities for the conservation and use of biological diversity in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania |